Flash Paper #5

Flash Paper #5June 8, 2022

It has been about three weeks since my newest book, The Come Back Culture: 10 Business Practices That Create Lifelong Customers, was released into the wild. Recently, I came across an Instagram post from Jordan Raynor, an author himself, capturing some highlights he found helpful in the book. One of the pictures he posted stood out to me (read highlights below):

Every month, I coach about 250 leaders at FedEx and always use a quote from author, Jim Kouzes: “We will work harder and more effectively for leaders we like, and we like them in direct proportion to how they make us feel.”

I then ask: “How do team members feel about you and themselves after interacting with you?”

Let’s apply it to the guest: “What if the way a team member treats a guest is in direct proportion to how you, their leader, treat them?” After all, the team reproduces what they experience.

The culture you are building matters – whether you are building that culture intentionally or unintentionally. Jenni Catron and I talk about creating a culture and influencing those on your team in my new podcast.

This week, imagine if you slowed down and intentionally paid attention to your team members and how they…

  • feel about themselves after interacting with you
  • feel about their role
  • feel about you
  • feel about the team
  • feel about the church/company


Free Coaching Video (from me)

Slow Down Long Enough to Tune in



3 New Beliefs That Are Keeping My Head Above Water

I have known Greg for years. Recently, he navigated a personal wilderness that might resonate with you. What got him through? Does he see today differently than he saw yesterday? Yes. How did he move from operating at 65% to 100%?

Greg Curtis / Article / 4 minutes



How to Accept and Embrace Imperfection

The expectations to be perfect are overwhelming. These expectations come from others and some are even self-inflicted. Letting go of the pressure to be perfect can be freeing. Where could someone begin? Identifying where perfectionistic tendencies and preferences exist is a good starting place. Then what?

Hudson Therapy / Article / 2 minutes



How to Make the Most of Your Brain Based on Generation

Obviously, different generations see life differently. Is it possible to make a difference the wider the age gap is from the younger generation? You want to make a difference. What if two types of influence exist and clarify how older generations could put wind into the sail of a younger generation?

Dr. Tim Elmore / Article / 5 minutes



Do Your Guests Come Back for More?

What if a success metric for your organization is a guest’s willingness to come back? Paying attention to the behavior each guest displays informs a church or business whether the guest will be a repeat or loyal (they are different).

Shep Hyken / Video / 43 minutes



Chewy.com Shows Us How to Care for Guests

Pets are family. A pet company believes that is true and their behavior and words support theat belief. Chewy.com team members are available when you need them (24/7). What is the number one thing they offer anyone who calls or orders from their website? Empathy. If a pet company can be empathetic then surely your church or business can do the same.

Jeanne Bliss / Article / 3 minutes



How Being Emotionally Rested Keeps Us Motivated

Life is demanding and it is easy to get caught up in to-dos and helping others while neglecting our own needs. Perhaps your lack of recent motivation is directly connected to the fact that you need to emotionally rest.

Alex Howard / Video / 2 minutes



Pride and Humility

How dangerous is pride? Pride hinders our relationship with God and how we love others. There is a chronic preoccupation with oneself. We need the opposite. When one is humble, a posture toward God and others shows itself as honorable. There has to be something about humility if God chooses to bless and lift up that individual.

C.S. Lewis Institute / Article / 9 minutes



Reading Digital Body Language in Virtual Meetings

People often spend much of their time churning out the “right” words. However, non-verbal expressions used with others speak more prominently to the brain. To complicate things, a lot of time is spent in virtual meetings. This makes body language even more difficult to see and interpret as the giver and receiver. Are there cues, tips, and tricks?

Randy Conley and Betty Dannewitz / Article / 4 minutes



How to Effectively Practice Your Upcoming Speech

Regardless of the audience size, you want your speech or team presentation to be awesome. What if one key to being remarkable comes from how you practice? Think of this as your pre-game moment. When you set time aside to prepare, how do you use that time productively and does it set you up for a win?

Joel Schwartzberg / Article / 6 minutes



Book Recommendation

Digital Body Language: How to Build Trust & Connection No Matter the Distance

(Here is my downloadable PDF of book recommendations.)



One-Sentence Wisdom

“We can be tired, weary, and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we can find that He injects into our bodies energy power, and strength.”

Dr. Charles F. Stanley, Author



Bonus (aka free)

How to Build A Healthy Volunteer Team (PDF notes from my recent conference talk)

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